My friend just sent this to me, I guess it is from some design blog she reads. This is basically what goes on at my office all day long.
me: the logo you sent me is unusable because the fonts weren't outlined, and i don't have the fonts. can you ask your client to re-send the same file with outlined fonts?
account executive: can't you just download the font from the logo?
me: .... (long pause).... on second thought, just give me the client's number and i'll speak to them myself.
project manager: (carrying a cd into my office) i need you to make some changes to the files on this disc so i can send it to the client
me: i'm kinda slammed right now, how involved is this change? what is it, a logo or something?
project manager: it's an adobe
me: .... (long pause).... uh... just leave the disc on my desk, i'll take a look at it"