Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vacation is over :(

But we still have the memories... We took a week off and went up to visit my family in New York. First stop was my grandparents, and I was on a mission to eat! Wedding dress diet was not being followed during vacation and I had asked my gram to prepare her amazing macaroni, sauce, meatballs and braciole. She did not disappoint. It was amazing right down to the parmesan cheese and good Italian bread that are so hard to find in Atlanta. 
Mmmm... We ate it again the next day for lunch.

the traditional Ryan table shot

We also had fun when Papa brought out his Marine uniform from WWII. Guess who it fit perfectly? Papa showed us his photo album from the service, I love looking at it and hearing his stories. It is amazing how much her remembers after 60+ years when I have trouble remembering college! Gramma kept fussing because there are no pictures of her in that album, but I think she has made up for it the rest of her life! Very photogenic :) Papa even remembered the name of the bulldog that lived with them in the Marines, Lucky 11. Cute name! I'll have to file that one away until we get a dog.

my hero

How many adults does it take to take to use the camera timer?

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